Saturday, April 23, 2011

Simple Lessons

Here I sit again, on my purple couch with my trusty 9 lb side kick by my side.  While I attempt to write an entry as to what my good intentions were to be to capture the essence of my move out west; I realize that I have thus far failed to do much but use this as an outlet to vent, complain and tell myself that ‘it will get better’.  I recognize that I have only shared a few stories, feelings and hopes since moving to San Francisco; so here is my attempt to regain such ‘blogger’ status.
I can honestly say, life is different. I feel compelled to share tid-bits of the ‘life lessons’ I have learned as I can now officially say I have been west-ward for 6 months.
Lesson 1: The small things in life will always be the best things. A simple folding of laundry, a good morning kiss, a bad romantic comedy and a simple ‘I love you’ are what makes the days appear to not be so long.
Lesson2: Never take living by the ocean for granted. In short, never forget the beauty of nature’s wonders. Whether it is corn fields, sandy beaches, mountain tops or a grassy field of green; all of it is worth missing, and believe me some day you will.
Lesson3: A simple drink with friends after work will always fill the void. Work by its very name is tough; it is exhausting and can be overwhelming. Sharing moments of tequila shots and long talks will always bring you into greater spirits and in turn make you a better individual.
Lesson4: Relationships are the key to my existence. Love is powerful, it is worth the fight.
Lesson5: San Francisco is not that far away and it is not this giant ogre that cannot be defeated. Hopelessness breads success and bravery turns into a new way of living.
Lesson6: Dream big; then put it on the ‘to-do’ list. Make your dreams, your reality- because if you’re not, is it really worth dreaming?
Lesson 7: There is a big ol’ world out there; figure out a way to explore it. Cultures and people are fascinating, don’t let it escape you.
Lesson8: Outside of lesson 5; nothing has significantly changed since changing my zip-code. My core is still the same, maybe a bit stronger.
I laugh at myself as I reflect on moments during the previous six months of my move. Funny how we wish to escape particular actions or moments throughout our history- when in turn without such moments we may never have moved mountains.  Don’t let fears define who you are as a person, and certainly don’t become your hardest obstacle. Breathe, let loose, make mistake, act ridiculous, try new foods, let go of your ego, laugh at yourself and let the dog track mud in. What matters are the memories, so once again- Cheers to you, San Francisco, I appreciate your hospitality.  


  1. Great read! Your insight is inspiring and well written, my friend. Missing you!

  2. Very inspiring! Awesome reminders of what living is all about! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow. Thanks for this Renee, I needed to read it. After Brandon graduates
    (which isn't for a few years yet) we plan on moving to California and I'm terrified. It's good to read wise words from someone who's there.
